Rishabh Pant will be present at the IPL auction table for Delhi Capitals in Dubai after being out of action for a year due to a car accident. He is expected to return to the field in IPL 2024, possibly as the captain but not necessarily as the wicketkeeper. Pant expressed his gratitude for the support he has received during his recovery and hopes to start playing again in a few months.
In a video posted by the IPL handle, Pant spoke about his excitement at being able to participate in the auction, admitting that he used to dream about being in this position as a kid. He acknowledged feeling nervous but is eager to learn and grow from the experience.
After undergoing knee ligament surgery following the accident, Pant reflected on the challenges he faced during his recovery and expressed his gratitude at being alive. He also mentioned that the support and love he received from fans and well-wishers have been invaluable in his recovery process.
Pant also shared that he is still on the road to 100% recovery but is hopeful that he will be able to achieve that in the coming months. He emphasized the importance of mental recovery as well, expressing his appreciation for the love and support he has received from people during a difficult time.